Auteursarchief: quip

Art on Constructions gallery

Art on Constructions is also in a  gallery slideshow format

The next photographs are made from 1990 until now showing public expressions on construction sites in Amsterdam.
This page shows only some of the photographs regarding Art on Constructions.
For all the images on this subject click on the link above called gallery slideshow format.

This page is at the moment under construction.

Art Favorites Gallery

Art Favorites is also in a gallery slideshow format

The next photographs are made from 1990 until now in our public spaces mainly in Amsterdam.
This page shows only some of the photographs regarding Art Favorites.
For all the images on this subject click on the link above called gallery slideshow format.
This page is at the moment under construction.

Just Art gallery

Just Art is also in a  gallery slideshow format

The next photographs are made from 1990 until now in our public spaces in the Netherlands.
This page shows only some of the photographs regarding  Just Art.
For all the images on this subject click on the link above called gallery slideshow format.

This page is at the moment under construction.


Art on the Wall gallery

Art on the Wall is also in a  gallery slideshow format

The next photographs are made from 1990 until now showing public expressions on the walls in Amsterdam.
This page shows only some of the photographs regarding Art on the Wall.
For all the images on this subject click on the link above called gallery slideshow format.

This page is at the moment under construction.


Art on the Street gallery

Art on the Street is also in a  gallery slideshow format

The next photographs are made from 1990 until now showing public expressions on the streets in Amsterdam.
This page shows only some of the photographs regarding Art on the Street.
For all the images on this subject click on the link above called gallery slideshow format.

This page is at the moment under construction.


Posters in Amsterdam gallery

Posters in Amsterdam is also in a  gallery slideshow format

The next photographs are made betweeen 1990-2010, showing public expressions of freedom and tolerance in our beautiful city.
This page shows only some of the photographs regarding Posters in Public.
Amsterdam main goal is profiling itself as a cultural, broad minded and audacious city on the world map.
For all the images on this subject click on the link above called gallery slideshow format.

This page is at the moment under construction.


Art On The Move gallery

Art On The Move also in a  gallery slideshow format

The next photographs are made from 1990 until now, showing public expressions in moving objects in the Netherlands.
This page shows only some of the photographs (including a video) regarding Art On The Move.
For all the images on this subject click on the link above called gallery slideshow format.

This page is at the moment under construction.


crowning 2013 kroning

April 30, 2013, it finally happens. The crown exchange of Beatrix to Willem Alexander in Amsterdam. This is three days after William’s birthday. That means a full week of fun and party for the submissive people. A great opportunity to present our country and kingdom to the world.

30 april 2013 gaat het dan eindelijk gebeuren. De kroonwisseling van Beatrix naar Willem Alexander in Amsterdam. Met drie dagen ervoor Willems verjaardag, betekent dat een week fun en feest voor het onderdanige volk. Een buitengewone gelegenheid om ons land en koninkrijk aan de wereld te presenteren

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Compulsory identification / Identificatieplicht

The two recently introduced sections 447d and 447e of the Dutch Penal Code are used for compelling everyone from the age of 14 to show a valid identification card on request, starting at January first 2005. This is the so-called toonplicht.

De twee onlangs ingevoerde artikelen 447d en 447e van het Wetboek van Strafrecht worden nu gebruikt om per 1 januari 2005 iedereen vanaf 14 jaar te verplichten om een geldig legitimatiebewijs te tonen als daar om wordt gevraagd, de zogenaamde toonplicht.

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What about Privacy / En onze Privacy

How will this be guaranteed in the Netherlands?

Phone calls made by a stolen mobile phone are listened in on by the government.
Phone calls between citizens and their lawyers are listened in on by the government.
Everyone above the age of 14 is required to carry an I.D, the so-called identificatieplicht.

Hoe wordt daarmee omgesprongen in Nederland?

Gesprekken met gestolen mobieltjes worden afgeluisterd door de overheid.
Gesprekken tussen burgers en hun advokaten worden afgeluisterd door de overheid
Er is een identificatieplicht voor iedereen boven 14 jaar.

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Freedom of Distribution / Vrijheid van Verspreiding

In September 1998 a market trader on Waterlooplein in Amsterdam is sentenced to pay a fine of 420 guilder and confiscation of the book ‘Mein Kampf’. By his appeal on April 2000 the fine is dropped, but the book is still taken from him.

In september 1998 wordt een marktkoopman op het Waterlooplein in Amsterdam veroordeeld tot 420 gulden boete en verbeurd verklaring van het boek ‘Mein Kampf’. Bij het hoger beroep in april 2000 wordt de boete geschrapt, maar het boek is hij wel kwijt.

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Freedom of Expression / Vrijheid van Uitdrukking

as long as it is politic correct, naturally

In 1986 the Dutch writer W.F. Hermans was declared ‘persona non grata’ by the city council of Amsterdam and banned as an artist because of his literary visit to South Africa three years earlier.

uiteraard zolang als deze politiek correct is

In 1986 werd de bekende schrijver W.F. Hermans door de gemeente Amsterdam als ‘persona non grata’ bestempeld en als kunstenaar ‘verbannen’ uit Amsterdam vanwege zijn literair bezoek drie jaar eerder aan Zuid-Afrika.

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Freedom of Religion / Vrijheid van Religie

Everyone in Holland has the freedom to practice the religion of their own choice. Amsterdam was since the 18th century very non-cooperative towards religious persecution, witness the many tolerated semi-hidden churches over the centuries. The main reason was: good for the Amsterdam international trade market.

Iedereen in Nederland heeft de vrijheid om de religie van zijn of haar keuze te praktiseren. Amsterdam werkte sinds de 18e eeuw zo weinig als mogelijk mee aan de geloofsvervolging, getuige het groot aantal getolereerde half-verscholen kerken door de eeuwen heen. De belangrijkste reden was: goed voor de Amsterdamse internationale handel.

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